
Thursday Dec 01, 2011
Cheater and the Rude
Thursday Dec 01, 2011
Thursday Dec 01, 2011
Lee and guest Drew talk about how Republicans think they should talk about Occupy Wall Street. Jeff calls in to reveal the truth about changing a newborn baby boy's diaper. And Lee imagines Newt Gingrich unleashed.

Thursday Nov 17, 2011
Cheater and the Rude
Thursday Nov 17, 2011
Thursday Nov 17, 2011
Back in the studio, amidst an Occupy march, Lee let's it all hang out while Jeff can barely hang on.

Thursday Nov 10, 2011
Cheater and the Rude
Thursday Nov 10, 2011
Thursday Nov 10, 2011
With Lee traveling to New Orleans, Jeff flies solo and explains how none of the Republican candidates are actually running for President, especially not Herman Cain. #ifyouknowhwatImean

Thursday Nov 03, 2011

Thursday Oct 27, 2011

Thursday Oct 20, 2011
Cheater and the Rude
Thursday Oct 20, 2011
Thursday Oct 20, 2011
Taking a break from breathing fresh air, Jeff & Lee OccupyTheStudio and OccupyALoungeChair in order to break down Herman Cain, OccupyWallStreet, and the artist formerly known as Khaddafi.

Thursday Oct 13, 2011
Cheater and the Rude
Thursday Oct 13, 2011
Thursday Oct 13, 2011
Investigating the potential for a confrontation, Jeff calls in from OccupyDC, Lee calls in from OccupyWallStreet yet, somehow, Patch Adams occupies their hearts.

Thursday Oct 06, 2011
Cheater and the Rude
Thursday Oct 06, 2011
Thursday Oct 06, 2011
Jeff & Lee go on location at Occupy Wall Street and talk it up with people from all over the world.

Thursday Sep 29, 2011
Cheater and the Rude
Thursday Sep 29, 2011
Thursday Sep 29, 2011
With baseball, Occupy Wall Street, & military pretzels as a scientific foundation, Lee discovers that Jeff cannot avoid Chris Christie fat jokes.

Thursday Sep 22, 2011
Cheater and the Rude
Thursday Sep 22, 2011
Thursday Sep 22, 2011
Jeff and Lee talk about tax plans and steam-powered sex machines.